

By Noah | Add a comment | 

S/R products fall into several broad categories, and they are divided this way on the site. The categories are accessible via the pulldown menu in the upper-right hand part of this page below the header bar. An explanation of the categories is below.

Unfortunately, you can’t click anywhere below to get to the categories explained there, and instead must find the category in the pulldown menu above. Terrible.

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  1. The “categories below” are the headers of each section, technically correct. What is horrid here is not that the caption you point out is wrong, it’s that it exists at all. There is no need for it. Removing it and making the section headers be links to the product categories would make the page more viable.

    Comment by Christopher Buck — June 18, 2009 @ 5:23 am

  2. @ Christopher: Exactly.

    Comment by Noah — June 18, 2009 @ 10:51 am

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